
Monday, January 09, 2006

Happy Gotcha Day to Olivia!!!

Today is Olivia Ann's Gotcha Day!!!


Our extended family has not yet gotten into the adoption culture, but many of our friends have adopted children. So, we'll be celebrating with the Zychs, one-half of the Tianjin Two, this weekend!! There will be Chinese food and PIZZA HUT!!!

Thank gawd for the [Beijing Pizza Hut! ] With all the stresses of delayed travel, lost luggage, and sleep deprivation, any culinary adventurousness we otherwise might've had completely vanished. I confess we ate peanut butter, instant soup and pizza hut throughout our stay in Beijing.

We also plan to celebrate at the Zych's by drinking a lot of tap water, most probably in Chris' wedding crystal! Those of you who've been to China understand how awesome potable tap water can be! Anyone who has gotten sick on Chinese water (like Fred) appreciates it all the more!

For those for whom Gotcha Day is a new concept, here's a link.