
Saturday, July 24, 2004

These are yet more friends of ours who have adopted from China! This is Katie and Michael with their daughter, Maggie. Katie, a tiny little creature, was given the LARGEST baby in their adoption group. Just goes to show you fate has a sense of humor! Posted by Hello

This is a tiny portion of the line to get in to the picnic! Our friends Mike and Susan are in the middle of the line (she's the one with the long dark hair, wearing shorts); they, too, will be traveling to China to adopt in 2005! Posted by Hello

Vincent and Grace-Marie at the CHI picnic

This is Vincent and Grace-Marie at the picnic. Their parents are fabulous friends of ours and inspired us in the adoption process! Posted by Hello

I'd never seen so many Chinese kids in one place in my life than at this picnic. We were only part-way through the adoption process at this point, so I was really in awe of the people that had actually finished it... (the paperwork alone is staggering!) Posted by Hello

The CHI Reunion Picnic at Queeny Park

This is the Children's Hope International Reunion Picnic at Queen Park. I call this picture "Adoption Nation" because there are so many hundreds of adoptive families in attendance. It's really amazing... Posted by Hello