Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Sunday, March 27, 2005

This ghostly picture is on the Zych's last night in China and, although you can barely tell, was taken on one of the famous "red couches" at the White Swan. The lesson here? Don't use the "night vision" setting on your camera unless you want to look like this.
When we arrived home from China we made the demoralizing discovery that our luggage had, in fact, followed us both to Beijing and to Guangzhou but neither of our Chinese adoption coordinators had made the attempt to get it to us. It was, however, ready and waiting for us in our living room when we arrived home! (More of that "Rosenberger magic!")

Another view of our room at the White Swan. This was around the time Fred got food poisoning and, thanks to a mistake made by our travel agent, the hotel wanted us to vacate our room for 24 hours. (It was getting so bad that the Zychs began to refer to our luck as "that Rosenberger Magic!")
This same travel agent later canceled our flight home from LA. (Whereupon I vowed I was never traveling again...)

Here are the Zychs-- Jay, Hayden and Chris-- at the "authentic Cantonese dinner" at the "biggest restaurant in China." For no reason I can fathom they held the dinner late in the evening and made lo-o-o-ong speeches before feeding the babies. Then they gave everyone just one tiny, thin paper napkin and fed us messy food. It was so bad it was funny!