
Sunday, July 31, 2005

Remember back in January?

Remember how Fred and I looked in Guangzhou? or coming off the plane in St. Louis after being in China? Well, it's not just us. Our friends the Allmans have four more days in China before they can come home, and they look just like we did!

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Just so you can fully appreciate the stealth and speed that goes into photographing a two year old, the vast majority of the photos I take look like this. They're usually blurry because she's ALWAYS in motion! Also often way too close because she's reaching for the camera to see what the photo I just took looks like. Posted by Picasa

Say what? What you talkin' 'bout, Willis?Posted by Picasa

Here's the back view of our hat. Stylin', eh? Posted by Picasa

Even with the hat upside down and backwards, she's gorgeous, isn't she? Posted by Picasa

We are also making a fashion statement with our disco era pink striped visor. Yes, I think she might've accidentally caught the movie "Roller Boogie" on cable... Posted by Picasa

Today we are "sans" arm cuffs! Hooray!

We are also quite fond of the little white mouse our Aunt Laura gave us! (Sorry, Katrina!) Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 29, 2005

Hey! I'm trying to nap here! Posted by Picasa

Bou Bou takes a nap on mom's lap Posted by Picasa

Grant's Farm will never be the same...

Off they go! Posted by Picasa

More mischief on the way... Posted by Picasa

Maggie figures picking Livi up by the hair really is the most efficient way to do it. (It worked, after all, didn't it?) Posted by Picasa

Cute goat Posted by Picasa

Hey, how come HE gets to drink out of a bottle and I can't? Posted by Picasa

Maggie's mama, Katie Posted by Picasa

Livi feeding the baby goats while her partner in crime, Maggie, looks on... Posted by Picasa

Okay, c'mon, let's go make some more trouble... Posted by Picasa

What are you doing? Posted by Picasa

Here, Maggie, have a seat in my chair! Posted by Picasa

Hey! What's that? Posted by Picasa

They may be short, but they're fast!

The two of them together are mischief on the hoof! Posted by Picasa

Grant's Farm Adventure, July 29

Livi and Maggie (with mommies in tow) went to Grant's Farm today! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 28, 2005

After five months of ignoring the dolls she received for her birthday, Liv has finally discovered she likes them! (Thanks, Aunt Pat!)
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We have some new pets. Yes, after some mysterious fish plague wiped out the silver dollars, we went for some Ryukins and fantail goldfish. Liv adores them! And they're pretty, too! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Dancing in our sun hat Posted by Picasa