Friday, January 13, 2006
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Monday, January 09, 2006
Happy Gotcha Day to Olivia!!!
Our extended family has not yet gotten into the adoption culture, but many of our friends have adopted children. So, we'll be celebrating with the Zychs, one-half of the Tianjin Two, this weekend!! There will be Chinese food and PIZZA HUT!!!
Thank gawd for the [Beijing Pizza Hut! ] With all the stresses of delayed travel, lost luggage, and sleep deprivation, any culinary adventurousness we otherwise might've had completely vanished. I confess we ate peanut butter, instant soup and pizza hut throughout our stay in Beijing.
We also plan to celebrate at the Zych's by drinking a lot of tap water, most probably in Chris' wedding crystal! Those of you who've been to China understand how awesome potable tap water can be! Anyone who has gotten sick on Chinese water (like Fred) appreciates it all the more!
For those for whom Gotcha Day is a new concept, here's a link.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
I've forgotten every A, but...
And while we're on the topic of Swarthmore, here's a link to the guy I belive taught me macroeconomics:Prof [insert expletive here]
Swarthmore interviewing
So I interviewed another wildly qualified, highly academic candidate for Swarthmore today. He studies ancient Greek, plays piano professionally for pocket money, sings in an a cappella group, maintains a better-than-perfect GPA in all-AP classes, plays trombone in jazz band, plays soccer, volunteers for good causes, was named editor-in-chief of the school paper, co-captains the scholar quiz team, and that's only the talents I can remember off the top of my head. Oh yeah. He teaches piano. He also oozes social skills, which many highly academic folks don't. And the scary thing is, he's not even the MOST qualified candidate I've interviewed. (Although I must say I adored him and hope very much he gets in!)
My conclusion?
I'm very glad I'm not a Swarthmore candidate nowadays. I don't know how anyone gets in anywhere!
Here's a link to the beloved alma mater. And here's the link to what U.S. News and World Report says about it.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Cardwell's on a Saturday

Miz Caroline, Stacey and Livi out for a ladies' lunch on a Saturday afternoon. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, Caroline was my in-law, but now she's my dear, dear friend! It's so lovely to be with a dear, classy lady who knew my parents and has known me for over 20 years. She and Livi are now best friends. It was nice of them to let me tag along...

Friday, January 06, 2006
Okay, some of the women in Fred's family are big cross stitchers, and I guess that's okay for them. I never really saw the allure until I stumbled onto this website! Is this not hysterical??

Here's another link I'd best not post the photo from-- this is something of a family-friendly blog, after all! Sublime Stitching
(Note to family: No, this will not get me into stitching, sorry! Do not bother to buy for me!)
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
In the continuing saga of Gneil the Gnome, there was some suggestion that the little chap might be headed for Kenya, like his predecessor, Gnorman, pictured below:

However, I am unsure Gneil's demise has really deeply affected my intrepid dentist. Says one of the latest haiku:
Emptiness from loss
Quickly replaced by squirrel
Perched upon the fridge
Monday, January 02, 2006

Yesterday my friend, Lew Kollias, Division Director of Appellate/PCR MSPD died suddenly at the age of 53.
He served the hopeless unswervingly for 20 years. He was a tireless advocate, both for his clients and his people, a kind soul beneath the bluster, a great golfer and a hot hand at craps.
I am grateful for his friendship and expect never to meet his like again.
He will be missed.